Easington Parish Council




Easington, Kilnsea and Out Newton have public access Defibrillators. Should an emergency occur, dial 999 and the ambulance service will assist in the application and use of the AED if necessary, including providing the code to access the AED from its housing.

Easington - located outside the Village Hall 

Kilnsea - Iocated outside The Crown & Anchor public house 

Out Newton - Southfield Farm - Located on the side of the large Barn

Richard Callan
Kim Dalton
Vicky Edwards
Sarah Smith
Pat Swales

Following recent training the above are currently qualified as Defib or First Aid Qualified.



Training can be arranged by contacting: The Parish Council Clerk, who will put your name on the list for the next training event.  The more people in the area who are trained the better.
